A Cameo from Cranford
By Agnes Adam
- Price:
- £1.00
Item attributes
- 978-0-85174-839-9
- Acts:
- 1
- Females:
- 6
- Males:
- 0
Item details
This is an excerpt from Agnes Adam's three-act play, Cranford which was originally produced by the Wilson Barrett Repertory Company with great success. The delicate charm and humour of the novel have been successfully captured and the play has the lavender and lace charm of the Victorian era. Here are the gentle and loveable Miss Matty - the primly correct Miss Pole ?Miss Barker who once had a miliinery shop but who would not sell a cap or a ribbon to anyone who had not a pedigree and others of the Cranford circle who delight us with their reactions to a burglary scare. 'Good plays for all-women casts are few, but we are convinced this is one of them".