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A Matter of Diplomacy

By Agnes Adam


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Scottish Play: No. 184

Mr. and Mrs. Boyd have spent twenty-five years of married life pulling in opposite directions.

The love affair of their daughter, Jean, seems to be going smoothly and Willie Campbell asks Mr. Boyd's consent to the marriage. Alas, Willie ought instead to have asked Mrs. Boyd's consent. When she hears that her husband has consented willingly and warmly to the wedding, she at once takes up a position of firm opposition.

Things are at a deadlock until Jean thinks of a plan, for which she needs her father's co-operation. The plan is not a matter of hot words and argument, but of cool, calculated diplomacy. The father consents, unwillingly, but as the plan progresses, he thoroughly enjoys himself and indeed almost over-acts. The plan succeeds, Jean and her father winning, but the mother equally certain that she is the winner.

A rural comedy full of fun and laughter.