Storm Tide
- Price:
- £1.00
Item attributes
- 978-0-85174-922-8
- Acts:
- 1
- Females:
- 3
- Males:
- 3
Item details
Willie MacKay, R.N.L.I. secretary, sits anxiously by the radio in the lifeboat station as he awaits a call from Cox'n Andrew Kerrigan, who has defied the storm to answer a distress signal. As usual, Willie's vigil is shared by Annie Mary, the bowman's sister; but tonight they had other visitors. Jack Dickson, the brash reporter, scents a "story'' in the fact that the cox'n's daughter, expecting her first baby, is seriously ill. The cox'n's wife, Jean, embittered by the death of two sons in the War, comes near to breaking-point when she learns that her husband is trying to rescue men from a German yacht - "men who might have killed my son''. The minutes tick past, as we follow the rescue by means of the radio and through the eyes of Annie Mary's vivid imagination. This play gives wonderful opportunities both to actors and producers. Placed first in the Shetland Festival, it was also runner-up in the Young Farmers' National Festival.