True Steel
- Price:
- £1.00
Item attributes
- 978-0-85174-356-1
- Acts:
- 1
- Females:
- 3
- Males:
- 8
Item details
Based on a factual incident, the story illustrates the persecution, suffering and fear endured by many Christian families, throughout the Lowlands of Scotland during the late 17th century, who adhered to " The Solemn League and Covenant''.
One such family were the Steel's of Skellyhill Farm, near Lesmahagow. David Steel and his brother Thomas have been in hiding for some months past, outlawed by Lieut. Chrichton, the local Garrison Commander, much-feared in the district for the abuse of powers.
Mary Steel, David's wife, sits by the fire not knowing if, or when, her husband will return home. Marion Steel, Thomas' wife meets a neighbour on her way to visit Mary with the news that Chrichton will call on them that evening. The story progresses from one dramatic situation to another.
The arrival of David. The conflict of doubt between the two brothers. The startling entrance of John Brown. The excitement of David and Thomas' escape. The storming of the Farmhouse by Chrichton and his followers. Chrichton's seduction of Mary and his violent interrogation of her. Culminating in the capture of David Steel, his violent attack on Chrichton, who once again tries to seduce Mary.
The play builds up to a dramatic climax as Mary Steel witnesses the murder of her husband, and closes with a very moving curtain.
The main characters offer much scope for individual interpretation. Furnishings, lighting and make-up are simple. This play would be most suitable for Festival work.